Can soap remove pores on face or it can make it worse?

or:Can soap remove pores on face or it can make it worse?or:Every hair follicle has a gland that secretes sebum to lubricate the hair. If the hair fa

or:Can soap remove pores on face or it can make it worse?

or:Every hair follicle has a gland that secretes sebum to lubricate the hair. If the hair falls out the gland keeps going. When sebum hits air it turns black. That is why you have black spots all over your nose and cheeks. If the pore is closed by skin then the sebum remains white and you have a whitehead.There are various things you can do, but there is no way to permanently stop the process. There are various scrubs, but basically you are grinding your face off that way. there are pore strips, but you can get the same results using egg whites or even Elmer's White Glue.
