I want to be called Drake?

All my life I have had the name Ashley and while I dont hate it I have never been keen on it. I dont like saying it to people as it sounds weird, and

All my life I have had the name Ashley and while I don't hate it I have never been keen on it. I don't like saying it to people as it sounds weird, and in general I just want a name that sounds more masculine and while not so rare, its still one you wouldn't hear all the time. I want to change my first name to Drake. But I want to ask some opinions on things. Firstly do you guys like it or not please leave honest replies, secondly do you think names can change personalities, I have been looking round and theres some interesting sites and articles depicting certain names defines your personality. As much as i want a name i enjoy and have a fresh start in someways, i still don't want my ambitions and goals to change. I am mainly naming myself drake as it sounds adventurous also, my goal in life is to make something of myself and with a name like drake It just sounds more refreshing in itself than Ashley. Thats pretty much all I Wanted to ask really.

The crap thing is my dad named my middle name Adam. So my new name would be Drake Adam Green. What do you guys think of the second name, I don't want to hurt my dad as he's been proud Of thinking of my second name :')

Thanks :)

or:All my life I have had the name Ashley and while I don't hate it I have never been keen on it. I don't like saying it to people as it sounds weird, and in general I just want a name that sounds more masculine and while not so rare, its still one you wouldn't hear all the time. I want to change my first name to Drake. But I want to ask some opinions on things. Firstly do you guys like it or not please leave honest replies, secondly do you think names can change personalities, I have been looking round and theres some interesting sites and articles depicting certain names defines your personality. As much as i want a name i enjoy and have a fresh start in someways, i still don't want my ambitions and goals to change. I am mainly naming myself drake as it sounds adventurous also, my goal in life is to make something of myself and with a name like drake It just sounds more refreshing in itself than Ashley. Thats pretty much all I Wanted to ask really.The crap thing is my dad named my middle name Adam. So my new name would be Drake Adam Green. What do you guys think of the second name, I don't want to hurt my dad as he's been proud Of thinking of my second name :')Thanks :)

or:Hello! To start off let me just say that I love the name \"Ashley\" :D I also don't know why you dont think it's masculine enough. It's a beatiful name, and people can call you \"Ash\" for short. I'm not a huge fan of the name \"Drake\". However, this is simply my personal opinion and it is entirely up to you.No, your goals and character will definitely not be affected by a name change. The only thing that could change is your self esteem. Having a different name that you feel comfortable with could boost your confidence. Other than that, you will still be you :)I would definitely say that you should keep \"Adam\" as your second name, since it means a lot to your father. Also, perhaps instead of changing your name you could simply introduce yourself as \"Adam\" and use it as your first name? If you don't like it enough though, just keep it second.At the end of the day however I think the most important thing is that you feel good about yourself. If you have put a lot of though into this then change your name. But before doing so I'd recommend searching for more name options (maybe you'll find something you like more than \"Drake\") as well as asking for advice and opinions from people you trust. I hope I helped a bit :)

or:You should definitely keep 'Adam' as your middle name. 'Drake Adam Green sounds pretty good, but you could try other names like Edward and Victor. Both are manly names and sound fairly good with Adam. But all in all your name is nothing compared to your personality. Who you are as a person is the most important thing. You should feel good about who you are as well, and if changing your name makes you feel good, then go for it. I'm sure people will love you whatever your name is. Best wishes Drake :)
