What do people who have been blind since birth "see" or experience in their dreams?

Do not mean to be rude I am just very curious. or:Do not mean to be rude I am just very curious.or:The eyes are normally our primary source of informa

Do not mean to be rude I am just very curious.

or:Do not mean to be rude I am just very curious.

or:The eyes are normally our primary source of information about the world around us. So when someone loses his sight, he comes to rely more heavily on other senses\u2014hearing, smell, touch, and taste.According to the magazine Scientific American, research on neuroplasticity suggests that the brain has the ability \u201cto change with experience.\u201d The article adds: \u201cA large body of evidence shows when the brain is deprived of input in one sensory modality, it is capable of reorganizing itself to support and augment other senses.\u201d For more information on this subject and others, please go to jw,org \"Online Library.\" Also for free downloads publications or read online
