So I dated this girl for 7 years from when we were 20-27. We broke up and every few months we would?

... talk and things seemed ok until one of us just stopped talking to the other, this went on for another 2 years. She has had a few boyfriends since

... talk and things seemed ok until one of us just stopped talking to the other, this went on for another 2 years. She has had a few boyfriends since and I have had one girlfriend. When my girlfriend and I got together she tried to break us up by telling me terrible things about her and acting like she was just looking out for me. She now has a new bf and my current girlfriend and I were having some problems for a little over a week and I was out drinking it away and ended up texting my ex. Longer story short she (ex) is trying to get ahold of my girlfriend to let her know what I did. I have already come clean to my girlfriend about what happened and apologized. My ex never answered my texts or called me back nothing like this. My question is why would she say how bad of a person my new girlfriend is and then try to act like she is looking out for her now??

or:... talk and things seemed ok until one of us just stopped talking to the other, this went on for another 2 years. She has had a few boyfriends since and I have had one girlfriend. When my girlfriend and I got together she tried to break us up by telling me terrible things about her and acting like she was just looking out for me. She now has a new bf and my current girlfriend and I were having some problems for a little over a week and I was out drinking it away and ended up texting my ex. Longer story short she (ex) is trying to get ahold of my girlfriend to let her know what I did. I have already come clean to my girlfriend about what happened and apologized. My ex never answered my texts or called me back nothing like this. My question is why would she say how bad of a person my new girlfriend is and then try to act like she is looking out for her now??

or:When your ex was dwelling over how bad your current girlfriend is, she wasn't completely over you. She was jealous. Not exactly that she wanted you back, she just didn't feel comfortable with you dating other women yet. The reason why she's siding with your girlfriend is either because she's over you and wants to move on, or she might be telling her bad things about you to get your girlfriend to break up with you.
