I have a phone interview for target tmmrw. Im a felon on burglary of a conveyance. Will I get hired?

Note that i was 19 when it happend. Im 21 now. I worked at a chevron and had a key and went inside after hours and bought beer and even overpaid for i

Note that i was 19 when it happend. Im 21 now. I worked at a chevron and had a key and went inside after hours and bought beer and even overpaid for it. I got probation then violated it and was convicted. Im now in recovery and have 9 months clean and sober so will me explaining this situation help?

or:Note that i was 19 when it happend. Im 21 now. I worked at a chevron and had a key and went inside after hours and bought beer and even overpaid for it. I got probation then violated it and was convicted. Im now in recovery and have 9 months clean and sober so will me explaining this situation help?

or:Don't lie about the felony-- in the application or in the interview. You are obligated to list felonies, especially in the application. Make sure to write in an explanation on the application. If you already listed the felony on the application, the employer is aware and will know about it. Also, if they've done a background check (which they should have) they probably already know about it too. If you didn't fill out an application, or didn't list the felony, and the employer doesn't ask about it, it will be a little awkward to bring it up in the interview, but there will be worse repercussions to them finding out on their own that you're a felon and had lied to them about it. Employers are usually understanding, especially to those who are honest. Make sure to emphasize that you made mistakes in the past, and that you are not the kind of person to make these sorts of mistakes again.
