Schools - Is my teacher allowed to take a note that I wrote from me that has personal things on it?

... without my permission? or:... without my permission?or:Yes. They're the teacher. You're the CHILD. In their classroom, they are the boss. There

... without my permission?

or:... without my permission?

or:Yes. They're the teacher. You're the CHILD. In their classroom, they are the boss. There Is no privacy. You do what you're told when you're told. They don't need permission to stop you from being distracted or distracting someone else.

or:Yes. The teacher is the boss in the classroom. They don't need permission. You go to school to pay attention in class and learn to earn some form of education, so you can be useful in society, not talk to your friends. You can do that on your own time.

or:Your teacher is allowed to do whatever she wants in HER classroom. It doesn't matter if it was personal, you are in her classroom, you're wasting her time, passing notes. You are in school to learn, not chat. Do that on your own time, not time that your parents pay to have you educated. Your teachers have worked hard to become a teacher, don't waste their time.
