How to convince your parents to get you a cat?

My parents think that cats are too scratchy, mean, stinky, hairy, and everything bad you can call an animal. I on the other hand adore animals, I don

My parents think that cats are too scratchy, mean, stinky, hairy, and everything bad you can call an animal. I on the other hand adore animals, I don't know what to do to convince them to get me a cat! Pls help! No negative responses please!! I've seen much of them on Quora and website as such. I have a job that doesn't earn much but my parents say that they can pay for it. What do I do??

or:My parents think that cats are too scratchy, mean, stinky, hairy, and everything bad you can call an animal. I on the other hand adore animals, I don't know what to do to convince them to get me a cat! Pls help! No negative responses please!! I've seen much of them on Quora and website as such. I have a job that doesn't earn much but my parents say that they can pay for it. What do I do??

or:you should tell them how grate cats are and show them some videos of cats saving kids lives and then you should maby sell cupcakes cookies or brownies to raze some moneymaby you can go on ebay and show them some homeless but heathy cats i was in the same problem becase my moms boyfreand is alergic to cats so we raed monet and found a shorthad cat that was missing a leg and we finnly got him

or:Well, yes, cats scratch furniture and dump in corners and shed fur in handfuls. Only people who happen to adore them will put up with the mess.
