What does it mean that a single religion can both encourage and discourage the exploitation of the?

... environment? or:... environment?or:From the beginning of man's creation religion has played a part in man's environment.The Bible shows that str

... environment?

or:... environment?

or:From the beginning of man's creation religion has played a part in man's environment.The Bible shows that strict instructions where given to the first human pair, about the care for not only the environment but also for the care and preserving of life itself.Genesis 2:15-17The question is did they listen and follow the instructions? Their complying in the beginning would affect their ending, even down to our time, (A cause and effect situation) The Cause, insisting on doing things their way, throwing out the rule book and making it up as they go. Genesis 11:4 (check The Bible and ancient history) The Effect, the mess the world is in today. The Effect has impacted our social, political and religious point of view today. People have the right to make their own choices, however, how can we make an informed decision, without accurate knowledge on how to proceed. Money, War, Morals and Family, are just some of the topics people are perplexed about.A person might ask themselves are there any answers to questions on these subject?I would say when all else fails, go back to the instructions, The Bible.Jehovah's Witnesses offer a Free home Bible study even online, to anyone who would like to learn more about the instructions God gave the first human pair.I invite anyone reading this, to investigate it for yourself, @ jw.org
