Is it okay to always be using your computer?

I use my computer, which is a Macbook air 13 inch, for a long time when I come back from school. Is it bad for my computer? The computer doesnt get ho

I use my computer, which is a Macbook air 13 inch, for a long time when I come back from school. Is it bad for my computer? The computer doesn't get hot but i'm afraid of damaging my computer little by little if I use it a lot.

or:I use my computer, which is a Macbook air 13 inch, for a long time when I come back from school. Is it bad for my computer? The computer doesn't get hot but i'm afraid of damaging my computer little by little if I use it a lot.

or:Well, yes and no. As long as you don't overheat it, the brightness isn't too high and you use that power with responsibility, you should be good!

or:I use my computer approximately 10 hours a day. Have had no problems on my computer for the 4 years I've owned it. I\u2019m disabled so I need it on all the time. I did fry my motherboard on a previous one but that was old and didn\u2019t have proper ventilation, noisy fan.

or:your not damaging it.your computer is just like mines.but it may be weaker the older it is.but you aren't damaging it at all.except i think i am damaging myself!
