What to do with hip joint?

for the past month or so i have had pain in my left leg. it started in my lower leg when i was walking and now the pain is in my left hip. it starts a

for the past month or so i have had pain in my left leg. it started in my lower leg when i was walking and now the pain is in my left hip. it starts acting up after just walking to the mail box which is not very far. i have lost a lot of weight recently and i am becoming more active each week. but the pain does not go away. any information would be appreciated.

or:for the past month or so i have had pain in my left leg. it started in my lower leg when i was walking and now the pain is in my left hip. it starts acting up after just walking to the mail box which is not very far. i have lost a lot of weight recently and i am becoming more active each week. but the pain does not go away. any information would be appreciated.

or:Ah! Chronic pain. That should be a problem. Although you may have performed a lot of activities, it could not ease the pain. I have learned from drfryer.ca that what is needed is to manipulate the spine and keep it aligned. The pain indicates something is wrong. Thus, if you continue doing those activities, most probably it would make the pain worse and not get rid of it. Also, you can take any pain medications, but it could take the pain away. After a while, it would occur again. That is the heart of chiropractic care. They get to the root cause of it prior to treating it. So, a trip to the doctor should matter.
