I’m trying to move and my potential landlord wants to join the police academy in FL.

He is going to submit my and my partners ID cause they need to know who he lives with. I have a misdemeanor possession charge in FL and my partner has

He is going to submit my and my partners ID cause they need to know who he lives with. I have a misdemeanor possession charge in FL and my partner has felonies but it’s in California. Will that cause an issue with him and the academy making him unable to rent to us?

or:He is going to submit my and my partners ID cause they need to know who he lives with. I have a misdemeanor possession charge in FL and my partner has felonies but it\u2019s in California. Will that cause an issue with him and the academy making him unable to rent to us?

or:The landlord is asking you to give him your backgrounds because HE needs to tell the academy who he RENTS to? That's b.s. my friend. The academy doesn't have any right to know who anyone rents to. IF YOU ALL INTEND TO LIVE TOGETHER, the academy still doesn't have the right to investigate YOU unless YOU say they can. NEVER give someone the right to dig into your past unless YOU need them to. YOU need to find out WHO wants your background info and WHY. Doesn't matter what HE says, you need to talk to whoever is telling him he needs your id's.
