What's a better phone HTC One or Samsung Galaxy Note 2 ? And what carrier should I get it in...?

or:Whats a better phone HTC One or Samsung Galaxy Note 2 ? And what carrier should I get it in...?or:I bought the Note2. In most areas the Note2 is f

or:What's a better phone HTC One or Samsung Galaxy Note 2 ? And what carrier should I get it in...?

or:I bought the Note2. In most areas the Note2 is faster & bigger, allowing multiple apps to be open (+multiscreen) with out noticable loss of speed. Also the 170% larger battery is replaceable & SD card slot missing on the HTC One, allows memory expansion of 64Gb.As I found that I used my last Smart phone for web, films & email most of the time, rather than as a phone. Then I needed a phone with the largest screen that could fit my pocket to fulfil the primary task as a small ultra portable tablet .Add to this the stylus, which enables rapid note taking in hand writing or in character recognition text for export to word docs. Picture annotation & adjustment through Photoshop app, selecting sections of web pages. Rapid navigation through swipe gestures, pinpoint accuracy that fingers can't ever match & much much more!I have owned it for5 months & keep finding more things it can help me do quicker.As I live in the UK. There is a selection of unlimited data packages at a reasonable cost carrier is 3. Giff Gaff is one I also considered. It is important to me to have all you can eat data to allow full use as a tabletI hope this is helpful, the HTC One is a fine phone & if the tablet functionality is not so important may be a more convenient solution for you. Have you considered the S4?

or:I am not so good in phone but whenever I want to buy a phone or test a phone which is better I go
