Can't do pushup?

I have always been unfit but as I want to learn a martial art, I am trying to get into shape. However, I cant even do a push-up and so my friend recom

I have always been unfit but as I want to learn a martial art, I am trying to get into shape. However, I can't even do a push-up and so my friend recommended me to hold the 'up' position for 30 seconds to build up core strength.

My question is, how many reps and sets should and do and how long should i rest between sets?


or:I have always been unfit but as I want to learn a martial art, I am trying to get into shape. However, I can't even do a push-up and so my friend recommended me to hold the 'up' position for 30 seconds to build up core strength. My question is, how many reps and sets should and do and how long should i rest between sets? Thanks

or:You need to get some exercise supplies, use them everyday so your body could get used to it once it does then keep doing it to stay fit, kid

or:Yes what your friend suggested is right. It is the start for your body to adapt the changes. Follow that and try doing push ups. On 1st day try to do 3 push ups, then next day make it 5 and keep increasing the number day by day.Never think you can't do it, it will take some time but you will do it.

or:I would go a different route than the above comments... working out the same muscle group every day will yield little results, as you are not giving the muscle a chance to repair and grow...As far as push-ups go, if you can't get one, try putting your knees on the ground and go from there. Ideally you want to be able to do at least 3 sets of 10 reps. Go a couple days between workouts so your body can repair and grow.Push-ups alone will not really be enough and your body will grow used to them over time. Try other chest exercises as well, like forward dips, bench press, cable flys and so on. You will be getting a good workout in your martial arts class either way I'm sure though..-Nutrition Minor in college / gym rat

or:The ideal combination of sets for you is -3 sets and 30 seconds rest in between every set. As you say that you can't even do a push-up so should start with the count of 10 and end with 15.
