Male teenager why Feeling not satisfied with masturbution?

Befor 3-4 days i got cold and fever i masturbute another time i masturbute but not satisfied this cause me masturbute again and again why this happen

Befor 3-4 days i got cold and fever i masturbute another time i masturbute but not satisfied this cause me masturbute again and again why this happen does this because i feel guilt and shame when masturbute please give solution

or:Befor 3-4 days i got cold and fever i masturbute another time i masturbute but not satisfied this cause me masturbute again and again why this happen does this because i feel guilt and shame when masturbute please give solution

or:You shouldn't feel any shame or guilt about masturbation. It's perfectly normal. It's possible your illness has temporarily made your response to masturbation different but what I'm guessing is most likely is that (if you are a male) then masturbation feels best if you leave a period of time between tries. At least a day, but a couple of days will be better still.It's also good if you take your time over it so either do it a lot more slowly (and build up gradually) or spend time doing it and stopping halfway, then wait a few hours and do the same. When you eventually do orgasm, it will be a lot stronger and more satisfying.
