Do you think the Bible is a book from God or from man?

I do know the answer to the question, but I am interested in the view point of others on this. Many feel it is just a book of stories, but evidence s

I do know the answer to the question, but I am interested in the view point of others on this. Many feel it is just a book of stories, but evidence shows it to be historically and accurately correct. What do you think?

or:I do know the answer to the question, but I am interested in the view point of others on this. Many feel it is just a book of stories, but evidence shows it to be historically and accurately correct. What do you think?

or:The first thing you notice about the bible is that it always causes division. It divides God's people from all the others.

or:How nice that we get our own personal letter from God , a set of instructions, a \"how to book\

or:It is definely inspired of God. 2 Timothy 3:16,17

or:From man. I believe it was written by man to act as a guide for others who did not understand right and wrong. The stories in the bible are used to provide a moral message to others.

or:The Bible was written by man in God's image. It's a retelling of stories in someone else's words. Being translated so many times, things tend to get lost and mixed up.

or:It's by man mostly because of different religions believing different things and bibles are then changed to fit the religion

or:The Bible is a loving gift from God to mankind. And yes, the Bible is a book inspired by Jehovah, the God of the Bible (2nd Timothy 3:16-17). The Bible, also gives reliable and practical advice for improving everyday living, as well as for navigating through this unpredictable world.

or:Good question. Each and every one has different views of the Bible, but u asked a personal question and yes the Bible is definitely a book from God. Let\u2019s say for the case of argument for those that think that the Bible is old and out of date, does an old book information makes it any less real? No not at all. Written proof from the Bible shows that it is real and dependent or accurate. Bible prophecies have proven that it\u2019s truthful and reliable.2 Timothy 3:16/17 tells us,\u201dAll Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight,for disciplining in righteousness, so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.\u201d This Scripture shows the many benefits from living our lives in harmony with bible principles, doing so makes us better people and contributing to society. So the question is does following bible principles makes us a better person or not? Off course those who live up to bible principles always live a better, clean, satisfying lives contributing to society and having real loving interest for others, Upkeeping the law and thinking of others other than one self.

or:Interesting question that is raised!The Bible is inspired of God - 2 Timothy 3:16The Bible also helps us to see at 2 Peter 1:21 that Men spoke from God as they were moved by holy spirit.To give an example: A businessman might have a secretary write a letter. That letter contains the businessman\u2019s thoughts and instructions. So, in reality it is really his letter, not the secretary\u2019s. In a similar way, the Bible contains God\u2019s message, not that of the men who wrote it down. Thus, the entire Bible truthfully is the word of God.\u200b

or:If one tries to study the history of the Bible or the book of Genesis or other books, it takes us back to over one thousand DC and around this pre- historic time, there is no proof of what actually happened. The origin of the book is attributed to Moses but some people doubt the existence of Moses. Definitely, the Bible is not a book from God. It is a book about God, written by man. It is man's realization or understanding of God. It is man's contemplation and reflection on religion, that has created all these scriptures. Therefore, we should not blindly believe in any scriptures. We should read, interpret and go within. We should use our intelligence to interpret it, with our deep love for God.
