How to get rid of that keeps hijacking Google?

Help. I downloaded Java and the was attached. Now everytime I am on Google & I hit the enter key instead of the button itself. keep

Help. I downloaded Java and the was attached. Now everytime I am on Google & I hit the enter key instead of the button itself. keep hijacking my computer.
I have deleted it through the tools and deleted cookies and it still keeps going to (I have used ask since the 90's, but will never use again after I get it off of my computer).
So, is there any other way to get it off? Google is a way better search and it should be illegal to hijack a computer when installing other items.

or:Help. I downloaded Java and the was attached. Now everytime I am on Google & I hit the enter key instead of the button itself. keep hijacking my computer. I have deleted it through the tools and deleted cookies and it still keeps going to (I have used ask since the 90's, but will never use again after I get it off of my computer). So, is there any other way to get it off? Google is a way better search and it should be illegal to hijack a computer when installing other items.

or:This may or may not work. Go to start or file explorer and then go to control panel. If you're using file explorer it will be found in the arrow next to the tab name and it should come up. Once you get to the control panel, go to programs and press \"uninstall a program.\" A long list of programs will come up. Then look for anything to do with or ask toolbar. Right click it and press uninstall. Then just press \"okay\" or \"yes\" or \"allow\" until it uninstalls the program. If it comes up with \"this program is already open in another window\" or something similar to that, just close any Internet Explorer tabs that you have open. If it still says that after you've done that then press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and press task manager. Then just right click on Internet Explorer or Ask and press End Task. Then try deleting Ask again. Let me know if this information was helpful!
