Since and for?

I have some problems in English grammar the problems are that Since and for in which tenses are used I dont know about the usage of the since and for

I have some problems in English grammar
the problems are that
Since and for in which tenses are used
I don't know about the usage of the since and for

or:I have some problems in English grammar the problems are that Since and for in which tenses are used I don't know about the usage of the since and for

or:You can use to find definitions for words like this: will also be several dictionaries listed and you can look at those to find more examples, etymology, and other information. Etymology means the history of a word, like this: need to read novels. Lots of novels. Any novels. Notice that they all have perfect spelling, perfect punctuation, perfect composition. Notice where they use one space and where they use two. Notice that every speaker in a dialog gets a new paragraph, and every paragraph is preceded by a blank line. Notice any writing techniques or figures of speech. Take notes so you know where you found what you know.
