Are there time lapse photos of sky of the moon?

as photo from moon surface does not show stars it is difficult to state that man was really on the moon. or:as photo from moon surface does not show s

as photo from moon surface does not show stars it is difficult to state that man was really on the moon.

or:as photo from moon surface does not show stars it is difficult to state that man was really on the moon.

or:The stars are not visible due to the glare of the sun present during the lunar day vs the faint light coming from the stars. Its simular to looking at the night sky here on earth at night time (no blue sky due to scattered sun light, but black) whilst looking for stars from a well light sports stadium. Camera's need long timed exposure & wide appetures to get enough light to show stars, if sunlight is added to such settings over exposure & a white picture is the result.
