Will anhedonia from Invega Sustenna (Antipsychotic) ever go away?

I have been misdiagnosed with schizophrenia and was forced to take Invega Sustenna at 100mg a month for 10 months. It gave me severe anhedonia along w

I have been misdiagnosed with schizophrenia and was forced to take Invega Sustenna at 100mg a month for 10 months. It gave me severe anhedonia along with a number of other side effects. My doctor finally took me off it because it was unbearable and it has been 3 months since my last injection. I still haven't felt any improvement at all.

Anyone has experience with Invega Sustenna? It has a half life of 25-49 days, and it takes 5-6 half life to eliminate a drug, so does that mean the anhedonia will hang around for at least 294 days?

Thank you in advance for any reply.

or:I have been misdiagnosed with schizophrenia and was forced to take Invega Sustenna at 100mg a month for 10 months. It gave me severe anhedonia along with a number of other side effects. My doctor finally took me off it because it was unbearable and it has been 3 months since my last injection. I still haven't felt any improvement at all.Anyone has experience with Invega Sustenna? It has a half life of 25-49 days, and it takes 5-6 half life to eliminate a drug, so does that mean the anhedonia will hang around for at least 294 days?Thank you in advance for any reply.

or:Dear friend, I feel your pain and I'm sorry. Tho my story is different--long time user of other drugs--I experienced something similar. Also, I know many friends that went through similar experience. The only ones that made it trough, including myself, were the ones that did the Narconon.org program. I think their main secret is their detox, which is known to be the best in the world. Getting rid of the accumulated drugs in the system is the first step. That's my first step advice.The friends that did not do the Narconon program are now dead or in very bad shape.See the videos on the drugfreeworld.org site. I fully recovered.
