Would having a fatal heart attack technically be suicide?

Your heart is yours and if it fails on you thus causing your death, couldn’t you technically call that suicide? Sorry if this sounds stupid I qu

Your heart is yours and if it fails on you thus causing your death, couldn’t you technically call that suicide? Sorry if this sounds stupid I question literally everything.

or:Your heart is yours and if it fails on you thus causing your death, couldn\u2019t you technically call that suicide? Sorry if this sounds stupid I question literally everything.

or:No, even though your heart is part of your body, you can't call an accidental failure of your body part causing death a suicide. A suicide is when you intentionally cause harm to your body causing death.

or:No, that is called \"your body rebels against you.\"

or:No. A suicide is committed by the person's own hand and is controlled by him. Hearts give out because we are imperfect and, therefore, the body is subject to break down without notice if we do not take proper care of ourselves.

