What is philosophy?What are implications of educational philosophy in our life?

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or:The word philosophy is derived from Greek roots that mean \u201clove of wisdom.\u201d As used here, philosophy is not built on acceptance of belief in God, but it tries to give people a unified view of the universe and endeavors to make them critical thinkers. It employs chiefly speculative means rather than observation in a search for truthSOME PHILOSOPHIES VERSUS THE TRUTH POSITIVISM: The view that all ideas of a religious nature are unverifiable nonsense and that the object of philosophy is to unite the positive sciences to form a whole. EXISTENTIALISM: Its advocates were very much influenced by the horrors of World War\u00a0II and therefore came to have a pessimistic view of life. It stresses examining man\u2019s anguish in the face of death and the emptiness of life. Existentialist author Jean-Paul Sartre said that since there is no God, man is abandoned and exists in a universe that is absolutely indifferent. SKEPTICISM: Holds that it is impossible through observation and reason to reach any objective, universal knowledge\u2014any truth\u2014about existence. PRAGMATISM: Estimates the true worth of our convictions solely by their practical bearing on human interests, such as in reshaping education, morals, and politics. It does not consider that truth has any value in itself.For more information on this subject and others, go to the source jw.org official website for free downloads or read online the book \"Life How Did It Get Here By Evolution or by Creation.
