What would happen if there is a sun with a size of a coin on earth?

Will it explode in few second or do absolutly nothing? or:Will it explode in few second or do absolutly nothing?or:The greater of earth\u2019s two hea

Will it explode in few second or do absolutly nothing?

or:Will it explode in few second or do absolutly nothing?

or:The greater of earth\u2019s two heavenly luminaries; the earth\u2019s principal created source of energy, without which life on earth would be impossible. The sun (Heb., she\u02b9mesh; Gr., he\u02b9li\u00b7os), together with the moon, also serves man as a timepiece for measuring the seasons, days, and years. (Ge 1:14-18The surface temperature of the sun is said to be about 6,000\u00b0 C. (11,000\u00b0 F.). But because of its great distance from the earth, less than one billionth of its radiant energy reaches the earth, an amount, however, fully sufficient to provide ideal climatic conditions that make vegetable and animal life on earth possible.\u2014De 33:14;For more information on this subject and others, please go to the source jw.org for free downloads, publications or read online.
