Can I go out of town waiting for a job?

im 16 years old and have recently been hired by a fast food chain. I already have the job technically, but havent actually started working because the

i'm 16 years old and have recently been hired by a fast food chain. I already have the job technically, but haven't actually started working because the manager said he would call me when he found someone who could train me, and it hasn't happened yet. My family is planning a trip to DC, but should i go while waiting to hear back from my manager? I would not be out of service, so if he did contact me i could answer, however i'm worried he'll want me to come to work while i'm out of town and i'll have to explain to him why i can't, but at the same time i feel like if i call him and say i'm going out of town for a few days ahead of leaving he will think i don't really care about the job and won't be in any rush to start scheduling me. I want to go, but i also don't want to give him any reason not to schedule me soon. what should i do?

or:i'm 16 years old and have recently been hired by a fast food chain. I already have the job technically, but haven't actually started working because the manager said he would call me when he found someone who could train me, and it hasn't happened yet. My family is planning a trip to DC, but should i go while waiting to hear back from my manager? I would not be out of service, so if he did contact me i could answer, however i'm worried he'll want me to come to work while i'm out of town and i'll have to explain to him why i can't, but at the same time i feel like if i call him and say i'm going out of town for a few days ahead of leaving he will think i don't really care about the job and won't be in any rush to start scheduling me. I want to go, but i also don't want to give him any reason not to schedule me soon. what should i do?

or:Just let them know if they call back your on Vacation and can start working as soon as you get back, from my personal experience Fast Food Chains are usually really flexible with scheduling.
