Google - How can I use an account for MSN?

I made an MSN account with It was accpeted but now I am trying to verfy the account and I keep getting an Error message that says "The ac

I made an MSN account with It was accpeted but now I am trying to verfy the account and I keep getting an Error message that says "
The account or password is incorrect. Please try again."

Any ideas on who I can fix this issue?

Thank you


or:I made an MSN account with It was accpeted but now I am trying to verfy the account and I keep getting an Error message that says \"The account or password is incorrect. Please try again.\" Any ideas on who I can fix this issue?Thank you--Scarlet

or:Now Google comes forward to solve your problem. Just follow the rules:Google has now released a very useful \u201cImport everything into Gmail\u201d feature.Click the Settings link.Under the Accounts and Import tab, click the Import mail and contacts button.In the new window that opens, enter the email address of the account you\u2019d like to import contacts from. Click Continue.Enter the password for your other email account and click Continue.Select all the checkboxes that apply:If you choose to import contacts, the information in your contacts list in your old account will be imported to your Contacts section in Gmail.If you select the Import mail checkbox, your existing messages in that account will be imported to your Gmail inbox.If you want, you can also select the Import new mail checkbox so that messages sent to your old account for the next 30 days will be imported to your Gmail account. These messages won\u2019t appear in Gmail immediately once they\u2019re sent to your other account, but should update within a day or two.Finally, you can automatically apply a label to your imported messages to indicate that those were sent to your other account.Click Start Import. The import will continue if you leave the Settings page or sign out of Gmail.Your contacts and/or messages will be imported. It may take 24-48 hours before you see your imported messages, so don\u2019t worry if they\u2019re not there as soon as you click OK. You can check the status of your import by clicking the Accounts and Imports tab on the Settings page. Once the import is complete, you\u2019ll see a confirmation message at the top of your inbox.If that doesn\u2019t work the feature isn\u2019t rolled out for your account yet. More information can be found at this \u201cImporting contacts and mail\u201d document at Gmail. Let us know if it worked out for you!
