Who would win in a fight, a grizzly bear or a silverback gorilla?

Lets say its in a fighting ring, no environmental advantages for either one and each animal is the average sized male. Which would win? My comm class

Lets say its in a fighting ring, no environmental advantages for either one and each animal is the average sized male. Which would win? My comm class has been fighting over this for days and I need an answer! Thank you:)

or:Lets say its in a fighting ring, no environmental advantages for either one and each animal is the average sized male. Which would win? My comm class has been fighting over this for days and I need an answer! Thank you:)

or:their is no way to know other than to stage it which wont happen legally but if you search for a silverback breaking a banana tree one of the strongest trees in the world i mean youll have to make a decision for yourself i give it to the gorilla in the wild and all together due to the ingeligence of the gorilla they are smarter both are very fast but i think realisticly i would say 50/50 due to the pure strength of silverback logically most people would say grizzly cause the claws speed and size

or:A gorilla is an even match for a leopard. Fights have been witnessed where both died from wounds. A grizzly bear is much larger and much more aggressive. Gorillas don't tear doors off cars. Bears do that.
