What's my body type?

Hi Im a 14 yr old boy DOB 12/11/00 i am currently 5ft 3 and weigh 8stone 8, this means my BMI is at a 77th percentage. I feel fat but Im not sure if I

Hi I'm a 14 yr old boy DOB 12/11/00 i am currently 5ft 3 and weigh 8stone 8, this means my BMI is at a 77th percentage. I feel fat but I'm not sure if I'm fat? Chubby? Puffy? Overweight? Obese? Big boned? Average?

or:Hi I'm a 14 yr old boy DOB 12/11/00 i am currently 5ft 3 and weigh 8stone 8, this means my BMI is at a 77th percentage. I feel fat but I'm not sure if I'm fat? Chubby? Puffy? Overweight? Obese? Big boned? Average?

or:According to your information, you are average, possibly slightly above for a 14 year old male. A lot of times when kids hit their growth spurts it stretches that skin out. Also, I'm guessing you're not an extreme gym body builder dude, so your BMI may be a little high until you grow more height and muscle.
