My hair is falling out after applying warm coconut oil. What should I do?

Hi, I cut my hair very short and I miss my long hair. I found out that putting warm coconut oil in your scalp and then to massage that in is supposed

Hi, I cut my hair very short and I miss my long hair. I found out that putting warm coconut oil in your scalp and then to massage that in is supposed to help it grow. And it has! The only thing is everytime I do this, a lot of my hair tends to fall out. Everytime I take my hand and brush it threw my hair 2 or 3 strande of hair come out EVERYTIME. This never happens to me. What should I do?

or:Hi, I cut my hair very short and I miss my long hair. I found out that putting warm coconut oil in your scalp and then to massage that in is supposed to help it grow. And it has! The only thing is everytime I do this, a lot of my hair tends to fall out. Everytime I take my hand and brush it threw my hair 2 or 3 strande of hair come out EVERYTIME. This never happens to me. What should I do?

or:well you might want to stop that treatment with the coconut oil cause something in it isn't agreeing with what is going on with your hair i would change the treatment to like pantene or olay it would be a better idea till you can get the hair loseage straightened out cause i don't think the cocunut oil is good but not for your hair

or:Well coconut oil has a lot of uses such as mouthwash,moisturizer,teeth whitener, ect. i believe that if you just put right in your hair without making it warm it should be washed out after sitting in your hair for an hour or so, and your hair should be soft and smell good. Good luck i hope it works

or:Hi Shevaun, I think you are doing good for your hair but result is not going through so you should use some hair grow products like shampoo or conditioner so would recommended use Dedicated Hair Supplements, Scalp Lotions, Shampoos, will gives great results as you need. You can get this things on

or:I think coconut oil is not suits you so use something else like Coconut Jasmine Oil. As our skin and hairs are very sensitive so we must use herbal products. I use Coconut Jasmine Hair Oil of M. M. AYURVEDIC (P) LTD. ( It is very effective so try it, may be it suits your hair. Also pay attention that never use hot hair oil as it week our hair root and never wash your hair with hot water.
