Transparency in Windows 10 but not Windows 7 even if on dualboot?

Ive bought a used Windows 7 Pro computer at a fair price and it works fine! The problem is, there is no way I could activate transparency "because of

I've bought a used Windows 7 Pro computer at a fair price and it works fine! The problem is, there is no way I could activate transparency "because of an aero driver that doesn't support WDDM". However, transparency worked fine on my dualboot of Windows 10 pro but didn't resolve anything on Windows 7.
I'm very sure that either a recovery might work, otherwise, a driver from Microsoft. Any idea of a driverthat might activate transparency?

or:I've bought a used Windows 7 Pro computer at a fair price and it works fine! The problem is, there is no way I could activate transparency \"because of an aero driver that doesn't support WDDM\". However, transparency worked fine on my dualboot of Windows 10 pro but didn't resolve anything on Windows 7.I'm very sure that either a recovery might work, otherwise, a driver from Microsoft. Any idea of a driverthat might activate transparency?
