My family is not 100 percent helpful?

Im 8 months pregnant and my family want to help when the baby comes but I need help now, with cleaning the kitty litter as a pregnant should not have

I'm 8 months pregnant and my family want to help when the baby comes but I need help now, with cleaning the kitty litter as a pregnant should not have any contact with it at all. Should I cut them off now for lack of support

or:I'm 8 months pregnant and my family want to help when the baby comes but I need help now, with cleaning the kitty litter as a pregnant should not have any contact with it at all. Should I cut them off now for lack of support

or:It's possible that they simply don't understand what you need help with, so perhaps try to talk about it with them in a calm setting (eg. Not when people are visiting, cooking is being done or anyone is waiting for a phone call). At any rate, don't cut them off - they're your family! They sound like they're trying to be active in your life and your child's life, even if they're not doing it very well. Many families go through rough patches and although unhelpful, this really doesn't seem like it's serious enough to never speak to them again. Additionally, you should be grateful for any help that they're giving you. It's your baby and your responsibility. Are you family particularly affectionate? They might not realise that you need/want affection and contact with them. If you talk about things that you do with your friends a lot with them then they could think that you don't have time for them. I don't think that banning them from the hospital in general will be conducive to continuing familial relations (or legal). However, if you are referring to the actual birthing suite or any other area where your child will be born, then feel free. It can be very helpful to have family with you for support in the room but it's also a very personal experience which should be carefully considered. Perhaps they could visit you and your baby in your hospital room after you've both gotten cleaned up and are resting? Good luck :)

or:Instead of cutting them out, maybe asking them for help would be a better idea? I'm sure they don't know what you're going through. Talking with them and going through it would make them know that you need help.
