Hey mentor's, I'm 18 years old and I wanna increase my height so I'm doing strecthing exercise?

With stretching exercises Im also doing push ups , squats, lunge etc. so tell me that is this exercise will increase my height or stop its growth. or:

With stretching exercises I'm also doing push ups , squats, lunge etc. so tell me that is this exercise will increase my height or stop it's growth.

or:With stretching exercises I'm also doing push ups , squats, lunge etc. so tell me that is this exercise will increase my height or stop it's growth.

or:www.wolframalpha.com/input/?ab=c&i=growth+chart+male,+18yr,+5%276%27%27,110+lbsType your details into this site and see what you get. You almost certainly will grow some more by age 21 or so. After that there are just two ways to make yourself taller:1. Put lifts in your shoes.2. Put a box on your head.
