Upgrade from Windows xp to Windows 8?

I have an old 2004 Toshiba Satellite L25 - S119 laptop the is still running Windows xp and i was hoping to wipe it completely clean and upgrade to at

I have an old 2004 Toshiba Satellite L25 - S119 laptop the is still running Windows xp and i was hoping to wipe it completely clean and upgrade to at least Windows 7 although windows 8 would be ideal. Can anybody walk me through this if it is even possible?

or:I have an old 2004 Toshiba Satellite L25 - S119 laptop the is still running Windows xp and i was hoping to wipe it completely clean and upgrade to at least Windows 7 although windows 8 would be ideal. Can anybody walk me through this if it is even possible?

or:Windows 8 has not been well accepted. People are saying that Win7 was better, and a lot of people are still using WinXP until they see something they think is good enough. It sounds like Win10 might be a loser too.
