I like this girl but I don't now if she likes me,but she acts like it can somebody help plz?

or:I like this girl but I dont now if she likes me,but she acts like it can somebody help plz?or:She may like you, but be careful. Some girls will ac

or:I like this girl but I don't now if she likes me,but she acts like it can somebody help plz?

or:She may like you, but be careful. Some girls will act like they like you, and will flirt with you until you ask her out, resulting in your rejection. So, just be on guard.

or:Girls are often wary and cautious around boys, though if they see a chance that they may find a relationship with someone, they'll try and take it. Not all girls are like that, but most are. Popular girls will often ignore boys they dislike or is neutral with, while girls that are more casual will express their feelings a bit more to all. I suggest talking to her at lunch time, just about casual things like school events, schedules, or friends. Notice if she's a bit shy and nervous. A big hint if a girl likes you or not is their friends. Girls almost always hang out in groups. If she has a crush on you, then her friends are sure to tease her about it when you walk by or talk to you.

or:I know you don't want to hear this but just continue to see her at church and try and be friends with her, don't try anything else... If she really does like you eventually she will tell you, but you are in fact 10 so don't worry about girls liking you right now, high school is a little bit away from you and most likely you'll have a few girls that will like you. Just be yourself don't pursue anything
