Why is social studies important to become president?

or:Why is social studies important to become president?or:I am not sure what \"social studies\" is, but social skill is absolutely necessary for any

or:Why is social studies important to become president?

or:I am not sure what \"social studies\" is, but social skill is absolutely necessary for any sort of success. If you own a car you should keep it clean because that tells everybody that you are the sort of person who takes care of responsibilities. There are some people who will refuse to do business with a man if the heels of his shoes are worn, even a little bit. Same reason. Ralph Lauren almost always wore the jeans with his name on the butt. One day he had an appointment with a financier who was known to be fond of silk suits, so Ralph wore a suit to the meeting. The financier showed up wearing jeans. Successful people just don't ignore small details, and they don't offend people unintentionally.
