Is it weird to get your guy friend, who is also your crush a vanilla scented candle?

My guy friend, who is also my crush mentioned to me one night when we were talking on the phone that he really liked the way vanilla smelled and he wa

My guy friend, who is also my crush mentioned to me one night when we were talking on the phone that he really liked the way vanilla smelled and he wanted a vanilla candle. Would it be weird for me to get him one for a Christmas gift?

or:My guy friend, who is also my crush mentioned to me one night when we were talking on the phone that he really liked the way vanilla smelled and he wanted a vanilla candle. Would it be weird for me to get him one for a Christmas gift?

or:I think it is normal.. Your friends after all just dont think it the other way..

or:if he wants one I guess it's ok maybe also get him another vanilla scented thing just in case to that could show that you pay attention to him and he might get a hint
