Do you think history is important? Why?

or:Do you think history is important? Why?or:Yes and No. It is important in the sense that we don't make the same mistakes again, but in my opinion,

or:Do you think history is important? Why?

or:Yes and No. It is important in the sense that we don't make the same mistakes again, but in my opinion, its more of a thing that people are interested in. For example: What is so important about the Ancient Egyptians, that we have to know every detail. Their history isn't really going to help us in our daily lives. Its more interesting than anything. Modern history is more important i think because we can reflect on the things we have done and see why things are the way they are today and possibly predict how it could turn out in the future? I hope this answers the question even though im sitting on the fence.

or:People who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. People who do learn from history are doomed to watch helplessly while everybody else repeats it.An economist is a historian, but very few economists are teachers, so very few people ever learn what they need from history. Here are links to an economist who was a teacher and you will learn some very surprising things from his essays. can go to where other economists have posted more free materials about history. These essays have little resemblance to what you were taught in public school.
