I'm a 21 year old virgin?

So I turned 21 in July this year, and Im a virgin. I feel a bit embarrassed talking about it sometimes. Would guys think Im weird because of it, or wo

So I turned 21 in July this year, and I'm a virgin. I feel a bit embarrassed talking about it sometimes. Would guys think I'm weird because of it, or would they not care? I think it's a bit weird cause most people have done it by now...

or:So I turned 21 in July this year, and I'm a virgin. I feel a bit embarrassed talking about it sometimes. Would guys think I'm weird because of it, or would they not care? I think it's a bit weird cause most people have done it by now...

or:Why feeling embarrassed? You should be proud you're a virgin unlike other girls that have already experienced it at very young age and with some random guy.

or:no need to be at all!!! You should feel good about that in this society. Many people would be kind of jealous because you're still one :)

or:I wish I would have kept mine! good job! Most people end up losing it to the wrong person. Make sure you think he's worth it.
