Why was my question removed by the systems administrator what was wrong with it?

or:Why was my question removed by the systems administrator what was wrong with it?or:Posts are deleted if they contain swear words, if they contain

or:Why was my question removed by the systems administrator what was wrong with it?

or:Posts are deleted if they contain swear words, if they contain links to dubious websites, if they contain an excessive number of words that are spelled incorrectly or if they have very bad grammar or punctuation. Post are also deleted if they contain a large number of abbreviations or \"text\" type language. They are also deleted if the same question has been asked over and over again e.g. Am I pregnant? Does she like me? Also if the users posts are not polite or respectful, their posts will be removed. Also anything that is illegal, or even hints at being illegal, will be deleted. Also questions or answers that are just plain dumb will be removed.
