What types of questions is my doctor going to ask me?

Im 17 and I have been having really bad periods for a long time. They are extremely heavy and irregular and my cramps are really bad. Both my grandma

I'm 17 and I have been having really bad periods for a long time. They are extremely heavy and irregular and my cramps are really bad. Both my grandma and my mom always had really bad periods growing up too. What is my doctor going to ask me? And is she going to recommend birth control?

or:I'm 17 and I have been having really bad periods for a long time. They are extremely heavy and irregular and my cramps are really bad. Both my grandma and my mom always had really bad periods growing up too. What is my doctor going to ask me? And is she going to recommend birth control?

or:he will want to know how long the problem is been going on?she might reccommend birthcontrol sometimes it takes care of theses type of thing he or she will want to know how on a scale of one to ten is your pain level?try some pampkin or midol ?how heavy your periods are how long they run?do you have headaches and how bad they are?do you spot thats some blood here and there not alot mabe a little everyday till it stops do you have a family history of theses issues ?do you have cramps alot?are you having unprotected sex?
