The meaning of dysfuntion of eustachian tube?

or:The meaning of dysfuntion of eustachian tube?or:dys\u00b7func\u00b7tion\u02ccdis\u02c8f\u0259NG(k)SH(\u0259)n/nounnoun: dysfunction; plural noun:

or:The meaning of dysfuntion of eustachian tube?

or:dys\u00b7func\u00b7tion\u02ccdis\u02c8f\u0259NG(k)SH(\u0259)n/nounnoun: dysfunction; plural noun: dysfunctions abnormality or impairment in the function of a specified bodily organ or system. \"bowel dysfunction\" deviation from the norms of social behavior in a way regarded as bad. \"inner-city dysfunction\"google.comEu\u00b7sta\u00b7chian tubeyo\u035eo\u02c8st\u0101SH(\u0113)\u0259n \u02cct(y)o\u035eob/nounAnatomynoun: Eustachian tube; plural noun: Eustachian tubes a narrow passage leading from the pharynx to the cavity of the middle ear, permitting the equalization of pressure on each side of the
