Why am I so paranoid?

Why am I so paranoid?Hello, Im 21 years old, and I have become really really paranoid. I have a stutter, although I see this as a big problem I am abl

Why am I so paranoid?
Hello, I'm 21 years old, and I have become really really paranoid. I have a stutter, although I see this as a big problem I am able to hide it very well so nobody notices it, because I believe I don't hide it they will think I am weird. I'm paranoid nobody likes me, my friends never speak to me first and I have to make all the effort all the time. I have trust issues, I don't really trust anyone apart from my parents. I worry that people don't like and look down on me because I haven't ever had a job due to my stuttering. Not many people even know I have a stutter because I am able to hide it so well, but I am basically living in fear someone will notice it. I am trying to stop hiding it but I just can't bring myself to do it. I also feel like the friends I have at the moment would make fun of me behind my back if I stopped hiding my stutter and I'm meant to be going on holiday with them all in about a month. What can I do to stop feeling like this? I HATE feeling like how I do. Please can someone help me.

or:Why am I so paranoid?Hello, I'm 21 years old, and I have become really really paranoid. I have a stutter, although I see this as a big problem I am able to hide it very well so nobody notices it, because I believe I don't hide it they will think I am weird. I'm paranoid nobody likes me, my friends never speak to me first and I have to make all the effort all the time. I have trust issues, I don't really trust anyone apart from my parents. I worry that people don't like and look down on me because I haven't ever had a job due to my stuttering. Not many people even know I have a stutter because I am able to hide it so well, but I am basically living in fear someone will notice it. I am trying to stop hiding it but I just can't bring myself to do it. I also feel like the friends I have at the moment would make fun of me behind my back if I stopped hiding my stutter and I'm meant to be going on holiday with them all in about a month. What can I do to stop feeling like this? I HATE feeling like how I do. Please can someone help me.

or:Stuttering is an ever growing disability. It is something that makes you unique and you should not feel bad that it happens. Your true friends will love you and treat you with respect and look past the fact that this happens. Afterall, it's something that you can't help and shouldn't hide. It is part of who you are. If the paranoia persists, speaking to a guidance counselor could help. You're 21, right? Are you in college? If so, this would be a free service to you!!Hope this helps. Always be yourself.
