What are the effects of expensive funeral?

or:What are the effects of expensive funeral?or:The amount you spend and the elegance of the funeral are personal family matters, however emotions pl

or:What are the effects of expensive funeral?

or:The amount you spend and the elegance of the funeral are personal family matters, however emotions play a great part in how we plan for a loved one that dies.Some expenses, may include: Transportation (hearse), burial plot, flowers, rent of funeral-home facilities, purchase of a tombstone, and so forth.Not everyone likes or wants exactly the same things. Morticians know this and therefore offer services and merchandise at various price levels.Some have gone into debt to please others who thought their opinion mattered, then still others have been criticized for not doing enough. In many countries funeral customs are an attempt to fool people into denying death.However the Bible's explanation of the condition of the dead, is, \"For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all, nor do they have any more reward, because all memory of them is forgotten. \u202fAlso, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they no longer have any share in what is done under the sun.\" (Ecclesiastes 9:5,6)The Bible also provides a hope for our loved ones who have fallen asleep in death:John 5:28, 29 also Revelation 21:4, 5) Most persons who make their wishes known in advance apparently prefer not to be a financial burden to their families in death any more than they want to be in life.Hope this was helpful. More positive info found on jw.org


or:Funerals are for the living, not the dead. The dead are not conscious of anything. Of course we want to be dignified and show respect for our loved one. But, an old saying my mother taught me when I was young, was to give our loved ones their flowers before they die, so they can see them and enjoy them. I understood as time went by.I give my loved ones their \"flowers\" now. I tell them that I love them, I enjoy them and do things with them. I give them gifts because I want to, no special reason at all. I taught them to serve and have a relationship with God, couldn't do anything better than that for them.When my mom died, I had a piece of mind. Sad at her lost, but I gave her, her \"flowers\" while she was alive. She had a very simple and dignified service, and then cremation. My hope now, is to see her in the resurrection.Expensive funerals only make the funeral directors rich.
