Im 12 and have chest pains?

Hi. im 12. And, i get some chest pains. They dont last for a super long time. Maybe, 2 minutes? But, if i drink a cup of water, it feels better.. What

Hi. im 12. And, i get some chest pains. They dont last for a super long time. Maybe, 2 minutes? But, if i drink a cup of water, it feels better.. What is it?

Im really scared :\ I dont know what it is. Its a stabbing pain in my heart..

Im scared. Please help?

or:Hi. im 12. And, i get some chest pains. They dont last for a super long time. Maybe, 2 minutes? But, if i drink a cup of water, it feels better.. What is it? Im really scared :\\ I dont know what it is. Its a stabbing pain in my heart.. Im scared. Please help?

or:You might be growing boobs if u haven't already if you have I have no idea. Do you get it regualy like every 6 times a day or do you have it like one a month????

or:suggest medical advice.Sounds like athsma but a dr should check it out as could be anything else.

or:try going to a good doctor so you can make sure about you are feeling

or:I have the same problem and am terrified that I may have some disease From my research nothing has helped me but if nothing bad has happened yet you will probably be fine. it might be because of to much sugar that's what I think is wrong with me try eating fruits and avoiding sugar that's what I'm trying also I will try drinking more water if you say it helps.
