I don't know if my leopard danio is pregnant. What do I look out for? How do I know its pregnant?

Im not sure if it is pregnant but I noticed on Friday the stomach was a bit swollen up and I really need to know how to tell if it is pregnant and not

I'm not sure if it is pregnant but I noticed on Friday the stomach was a bit swollen up and I really need to know how to tell if it is pregnant and not some illness

or:I'm not sure if it is pregnant but I noticed on Friday the stomach was a bit swollen up and I really need to know how to tell if it is pregnant and not some illness

or:Umm... Vet?... Wait it out? You're talking about a for real leopard? I think you should know these things before taking care of a leopard... leopards a generally pregnant for around three months. So with in these months look for signs and a growing belly. Has she been in contact with a male leopard? If she is not pregnant and it is some type of illness waiting to months to treat the illness will not kill her. I would strongly suggest getting her to a vet and getting a nice check up :) Good luck
