Mental health?

I have been recently diagnosed with borderline personality but do not fit the required traits for it. I also have a split personality but i have been

I have been recently diagnosed with borderline personality but do not fit the required traits for it. I also have a split personality but i have been told i do not have dissosiative personality disorder. Have i been wrongfuly diangosed . I do not understand my disngnosis . Please help thanks.

or:I have been recently diagnosed with borderline personality but do not fit the required traits for it. I also have a split personality but i have been told i do not have dissosiative personality disorder. Have i been wrongfuly diangosed . I do not understand my disngnosis . Please help thanks.

or:Have you looked into the possibility of schizophrenia.

or:Since you are not a trained mental health professional, you cannot self-diagnose.Choose a psychiatrist and ask for a diagnosis and treatment from that person.

or:I would really consider changing the fuel your body is getting. Raw organic plant life heals and cleanses the body. There is a superfood pyramid on the Internet. Look into it and consider increasing the food that is on it while you decrease the food that you currently eat. Go slow to avoid toxic release that is overwhelming.
