Why are oxycodones making my mom nauseated & vomit? & what can we do to prevent this?

My mom has been battling rheumatoid arthritis for 9-10 years now. A year ago she was diagnosed with breast cancer. 4 months ago we learned that it has

My mom has been battling rheumatoid arthritis for 9-10 years now. A year ago she was diagnosed with breast cancer. 4 months ago we learned that it has spread to her bones and organs. Her doc put her on hydrocodone 5mg at first for the pain. Within time she was taking (3) 5mg at a time because it was no longer easing the pain. Then the doc increased her dose to 7.5 mg hydrocodones..she would take 2 at a time as needed for her pain. Those eventually stopped helping as well and the doc increased her script to oxycodone 10mg. She was taking 1 and a half of those as needed for her pain. A month ago, she quit taking them because she started having a hard time breathing and she felt like the pain meds were causing more problems than helping with the pain. Last night, she started taking the oxycodone again because she couldn't take the pain anymore but she only took (1) 10 mg. It made her nauseated. This morning she took (1) 10 mg and it made her nauseated again & made her vomit. She is scared to eat and now scared to take the pain meds..What could be causing this? And how can we stop her from getting nauseated and vomiting? Should she start taking the hydrocodones instead? Or will they make her sick too? Thanks in advance for any help

or:My mom has been battling rheumatoid arthritis for 9-10 years now. A year ago she was diagnosed with breast cancer. 4 months ago we learned that it has spread to her bones and organs. Her doc put her on hydrocodone 5mg at first for the pain. Within time she was taking (3) 5mg at a time because it was no longer easing the pain. Then the doc increased her dose to 7.5 mg hydrocodones..she would take 2 at a time as needed for her pain. Those eventually stopped helping as well and the doc increased her script to oxycodone 10mg. She was taking 1 and a half of those as needed for her pain. A month ago, she quit taking them because she started having a hard time breathing and she felt like the pain meds were causing more problems than helping with the pain. Last night, she started taking the oxycodone again because she couldn't take the pain anymore but she only took (1) 10 mg. It made her nauseated. This morning she took (1) 10 mg and it made her nauseated again & made her vomit. She is scared to eat and now scared to take the pain meds..What could be causing this? And how can we stop her from getting nauseated and vomiting? Should she start taking the hydrocodones instead? Or will they make her sick too? Thanks in advance for any help
