I need ideas how to make a theme birthday cakes or 10 year old?

Post some photos of the cake then tell me the directions or:Post some photos of the cake then tell me the directionsor:most 10 year olds like animals

Post some photos of the cake then tell me the directions

or:Post some photos of the cake then tell me the directions

or:most 10 year olds like animals so do you fav animal and it is done:D

or:why not make a tower cake made up of different cup cakes and design it with her favorite character or flower of her own name

or:Birthday cakes theme should be match the interests of birthday boy or girls.couplesoncakes.com

or:Mostly 10 year old kids love cartoon character and are very crazy for them. So I think you can go for 3D cakes with the theme as their favorite cartoon character.
