Should I cut my mother out of my life? So many people tell me she's toxic?

My mother and I get into fights more often than not. She has a really bad control issue and I have really bad anxiety. If she loses control of a situa

My mother and I get into fights more often than not. She has a really bad control issue and I have really bad anxiety. If she loses control of a situation, she flips out. She'll harass me, threaten me, and do things im pretty sure parents should never do, even if they claim they love you. I just want independence. Im 26, successful, and trying. I say mean things when I get upset, and I'm often disrespectful. She does the same, but in her eyes she can never be disrespectful because she's the parent and im the child. So I should always listen to her. What do I do?

or:My mother and I get into fights more often than not. She has a really bad control issue and I have really bad anxiety. If she loses control of a situation, she flips out. She'll harass me, threaten me, and do things im pretty sure parents should never do, even if they claim they love you. I just want independence. Im 26, successful, and trying. I say mean things when I get upset, and I'm often disrespectful. She does the same, but in her eyes she can never be disrespectful because she's the parent and im the child. So I should always listen to her. What do I do?

or:If you feel very unhappy with her, just remove yourself from the situation. Move out (if you still live at home) and visit less often. You may regret cutting the parent off altogether. Look after your anxiety and get on top of controlling yourself, you can't change her, you can only change how you react to her. If you flip out it will make the situation worse. Go to anger management classes to try and take control of how you react to people that push your buttons. All the best.

or:That's a tough question, but yes, the only answer is to end contact. You don't need to provoke a fight or nothing, just avoid contact.
