How to overcome anger?

hmm i get angry in small small things and i cant control over that how to overcome it please help or:hmm i get angry in small small things and i can't

hmm i get angry in small small things and i can't control over that how to overcome it please help

or:hmm i get angry in small small things and i can't control over that how to overcome it please help

or:Outbursts hurt your reputation. \u201cI used to think that others just had to accept my bad temper\u201c but then I began to notice that people look foolish when they don\u2019t control themselves, and it hit me\u2014that\u2019s how I appeared to others!\u201d I realized that anger causes people to avoid me. The Bible says: \u201cThe one who is quick to anger acts foolishly.\u201d\u2014Proverbs 14:17. \u201cDo not keep company with a hot-tempered man or get involved with one disposed to rage.\u201d\u2014Proverbs 22:24I realized that i can improve. Even though i can\u2019t always control how a situation makes me feel I can can control how i express my feelings. I don\u2019t have to explode.The Bible says: \u201cThe one slow to anger is better than a mighty man, and the one controlling his temper than one conquering a city.\u201d\u2014Proverbs 16:32.I learn to wait before reacting. When someone or something angers me, i try not do or say the first thing that comes to my mind. Instead, I wait, take a deep breath if necessary. When I breathe it gives me time to think before I do or say something I will later regret. Proverbs 21:23. \"The one guarding his mouth and his tongue Keeps himself out of trouble.\"For more help please go to \"Online Library.\" Also for free downloads, publications or read online.

or:The way to overcome anger is to realize the truth that anger is a negative toxic emotion. Anger causes us unhappiness. Anger is losing control of our own life. Realization that \u2018I,\u2019 the ego, is getting angry and making myself miserable helps us overcome anger. When I realize that I am not this body and mind, I am the Divine Soul, when I realize that the one I am getting angry at is not what the person appears to be, but I am getting angry at a Soul that is wearing a different body and in reality both, my Soul and his Soul are one, then anger completely disappears. There are easier ways of holding back anger like putting water in your mouth and not spitting out angry words and emotions, but that is temporary.
