Is there a word for people who think and act like they have authority over people and things when?

Is there a word for people who think and act like they have authority over people and things when they actually have none? Sorry, when making this all

Is there a word for people who think and act like they have authority over people and things when they actually have none? Sorry, when making this all of it didn't go through. I hadn't noticed.

or:Is there a word for people who think and act like they have authority over people and things when they actually have none? Sorry, when making this all of it didn't go through. I hadn't noticed.

or:A long time ago there was an arrogant jerk named Aristotle. He had such a high opinion of himself that he thought it obvious that only people just like himself should be allowed to govern. To this day his name is still used to identify arrogant jerks. They are called aristocrats. Here are some more words you might like:
