I have an i7 4790k and an Asus Gtx 1070 dual OC. I seem to get low fps, any tips? (16gb ram)?

I also want to record csgo and gta 5. I only get about 300 fps in csgo with fps_max 0 and about 80-120 in gta. Which reduces a good amount if recordin

I also want to record csgo and gta 5. I only get about 300 fps in csgo with fps_max 0 and about 80-120 in gta. Which reduces a good amount if recording with OBS

or:I also want to record csgo and gta 5. I only get about 300 fps in csgo with fps_max 0 and about 80-120 in gta. Which reduces a good amount if recording with OBS
